Dublin Pet Fair 2017
We had an amazing day at the Dublin Pet fair! Lots of potential furever homes and some fabulous agility demos! All of the pups were real troopers in the heat (and the volunteers too)! Thank yout ot all who helped and those who stopped by!

Wigglestock 2017
Pawsavers was so honored this weekend to participate in WigglestockWeekend in Holly, MI. The Wigglestock Canine Carnival on Saturday was a fundraiser for Pawsavers and Flint City Pits, and the raffle raised over $400 for us! The money is so needed and so appreciated! Thank you to organizers Lorri Chuckran and Amy Warner for another great weekend, and thank you for honoring Pawsavers as recipients this year. We loved seeing all our friends, and we are already looking forward to next year
Upcoming Events
Looking for Love Adopt-a-thon
When: January 26 @12pm
Where: Sky Dogs
693 Harrisburg Pike
Columbus, OH

Special K9 Games 2018

The Special K9 Games is a two day event created to celebrate special needs dogs and everything they are capable of. We can’t thank you all enough for making it happen. From the numerous donors, to our wonderful and understanding vendors, to our brave competitors, we couldn’t have done it without you. The 2019 Special K9 Games will take place October 5th and 6th. Stay tuned for more information. You WON’T want to miss it!!

Doo Dah Parade 2018
Pawsavers had the pleasure to entertain some folks at the annual Doo Dah Parade - “Best Political Satire Parade West of the White House!” The dogs were a huge hit - a wholesome addition to the otherwise political scene! They managed to stay cooler than us humans with their ice baths and fans!